Your Sharecare profile is created the moment you join Be Well SHBP® well-being program via Sharecare. There you will receive health tips and topics from the timeline and learn more information about your program. You can also securely store and access all your biometrics and health data in your profile.

Get to know your health and RealAge® with Sharecare
Learning your RealAge is the key to better understanding your well-being. The RealAge Test is a scientifically based assessment that shows you the true age of the body you’re living in. This tool assesses your eating, exercise, and sleep habits, along with your family history, behaviors, and existing conditions.
Finding out your body’s “actual” age provides you with information on how your lifestyle choices help you stay younger – or make you age faster – than your calendar age.
Once you know your RealAge, you will receive a personalized experience to help improve your health habits, earn your first 120 points, and unlock your ability to earn more points towards your annual program reward.
Platform Video Overview
Sharecare Platform Overview
Watch this short video to learn more about how Sharecare can help you meet your health and wellness goals!
Using data from multiple sources, we create a personalized experience based on your health. Plus, you earn rewards for engaging in healthy activities.