Track your way to good health

Online challenges allow you to monitor your activity by tracking various health factors while encouraging you to push yourself to the next level. You can choose to participate in one of our rotating monthly challenges.

Monthly challenges and Mini programs

During the program year, the Be Well SHBP program offers monthly challenges and mini programs to motivate and help you to create healthy habits. Earn 40 points up to 6 times, for a maximum of 240 points by completing six of the challenges within the challenge period.

Steps ChallengeJanuary, AprilTrack 7,000 steps per day for at least 21 days within the challenge period
Relax Your Mind ChallengeMay Track “never” or “sometimes” stress levels for at least 21 days within the challenge period
Healthy Diet ChallengeJuly, OctoberTrack a well-balanced diet each day for at least 21 days within the challenge period
Sleep Challenge March, AugustTrack 7-9 hours of sleep each night for at least 21 days within the challenge period
Finding Gratitude/Giving ThanksNovemberTrack did you take time to be grateful as “yes” for at least 21 days within challenge period
Mini Program: Fast workoutsJuneView this mini program to explore quick 5 minute workout options and find one that’s right for you
Mini Program: Building ResilienceSeptemberWatch 3 videos and learn about mindfulness
Mini Program: Healthy EatingFebruaryWatch the videos and gain 3 easy &
nutritional recipes

Tracking made easy

You can sync the health app for Apple, Fitbit, Google Fit, or Samsung Health app with the Sharecare platform to track your steps, sleep, and stress.