Medical exemptions will not be offered for preventive screenings. Please review other wellness activities to reach the maximum points in 2024 (480 points):

Members can take the RealAge Test (120 points) and complete a biometric screening (120 points), and members can earn a maximum of 240 points by completing the following activities in any combination:

You will still earn points if you go in for a preventive screening and it becomes a diagnostic screening.

Yes, the PSA qualifies as a preventive screening exam.

Only screenings completed during the 2024 program year (January 1 – December 2, 2024) will count toward points.

Only screenings completed during the 2024 program year (January 1 – December 2, 2024) will count toward points.

You can earn points for completing up to two (2) preventive screenings in the 2024 program year, for a maximum of 120 points total.

Each preventive screening is worth 60 points.

The following preventive screenings qualify for points: colonoscopy, mammogram, pap smear or prostate screening.