Complete the Unwinding Anxiety Sweepstakes for a Chance to Win.
50 members will win a $250 Walmart eGift Card.
Please select the appropriate button to successfully enroll in the sweepstakes.
If you are new to the Be Well SHBP program, register and take the RealAge® Test before entering the sweepstakes.
If you have already registered for the Be Well SHBP program, take the RealAge Test now before jentering the sweepstakes.
If you have already taken your RealAge Test in 2022, enter the Unwinding Anxiety Sweepstakes.
NO PURCHASE OR ACTIVITY NECESSARY. Promotion open from January 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM ET. Open to State Health Benefit Plan of Georgia (“SHBP”) Non-Medicare Advantage members and covered spouses who are enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield or UnitedHealthcare benefits. Must be at least 18 to enter. Void where prohibited. Total ARV of all Prizes is $12,500. See Official Rules or to opt-out at https://bewellshbp.com/be-well-shbp-sweepstakes. Sponsor: Sharecare, Inc.
The 2022 incentives do not apply to covered dependent children or members enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente or the Medicare Advantage Options. This information is intended to provide a general overview of some important benefit information. While every effort has been made to make the information here as complete and accurate as possible, SHBP’s plan options are fully detailed in separate legal documents and are governed by certain Georgia laws, regulations of the Department of Community Health, and resolutions of the Board of Community Health. In the event of any inconsistencies between these materials and the plan documents, laws, regulations, or resolutions, the terms of the plan documents, regulations, and resolutions will control as applicable.
Sharecare, Inc. administers the Be Well SHBP® program for the State Health Benefit Plan. © 2022 Sharecare, Inc.